Faith at the Speed of Light

Experiencing Exponential Growth While Surfing the Wave of Change

Imagine you are in the water, playing and frolicking about, floating.  As you are laughing, talking with others and splashing about, you get a feeling you are riding high on a wave, but you are not overly concerned.

Suddenly, you find yourself on top of an 80-foot wall of water that is cresting and crashing below you.  In a panic, you try to paddle, swim and then violently thrash to get away from the inevitable tumult, but you are sucked under the wave.  You lose all orientation of up or down.  So much violent water is swirling about you that you know any attempt to swim or direct yourself is futile.  You hope to ultimately land on the shore, but instead, you continue to spin around and around, struggling for your life.



WELCOME TO THE FAMILY! The first 4 Weeks

I want to welcome you to this new adventure you’re embarking upon, and it really is that, an adventure. PATHWAY TO FREEDOM is a series that helps you connect with Jesus each day and assists you in getting STRONG in your faith! You can go through each day with a friend, or with a small group and dialogue with the discussion questions given, what the Lord is doing in your life!
No matter where you’ve been or what you’ve gone through, Jesus loves you, and you have a new family, new life, new identity, new friends, core connect group–you belong! These devotionals are meant to be a part of your quiet time with God every day, 7 days a week. Go through them honestly and prayerfully. There’s Action Steps at the end of each devotional, designed to help you walk through with God and apply everything you’re learning.
A Follower is a Disciple. A learner, so we can apply what we learn to reflect more of what Jesus is like to the world.


Trimester 1: How Jesus Impacts Every Part of My Life

I want to welcome you to this new adventure you’re embarking upon, and it really is that, an adventure. PATHWAY TO FREEDOM is a series that helps you connect with Jesus each day and assists you in getting STRONG in your faith! You can go through each day with a friend, or with a small group and dialogue with the discussion questions given, what the Lord is doing in your life!
No matter where you’ve been or what you’ve gone through, Jesus loves you, and you have a new family, new life, new identity, new friends, core connect group–you belong! These devotionals are meant to be a part of your quiet time with God every day, 7 days a week. Go through them honestly and prayerfully. There’s Action Steps at the end of each devotional, designed to help you walk through with God and apply everything you’re learning.
A Follower is a Disciple. A learner, so we can apply what we learn to reflect more of what Jesus is like to the world.


Trimester 2: Building your Whole Life on a Solid Foundation

This second trimester In the PATHWAY TO FREEDOM radical growth series, covers what it really means to be a Follower of Christ; you will learn and be transformed by the greatest commandment—to love God and love your neighbor, biblical examples of World Changers, renewing your mind in God’s Word, systematic Bible study, salvation, overcoming sin, payment for sin (redemption), forgiveness, clean conscience, obedience and choosing discipleship, repentance, worship and the Presence of God, faith and God’s Word, the fruit of your life, Lordship and God’s heart for the world.


Trimester 3: Maturity in the Lord; Preparing to Lead

This third Trimester in the PATHWAY TO FREEDOM series covers radical Christianity (definition and vision), higher standard, character, maturity, attitude and the way you think, controlling your tongue, stability, self-control, humility, selflessness/servant’s heart, hard work, taking responsibility for your life, vision (God’s heart for the world and missions), perseverance, and ministry for life.

Trimester 3 will be like eating red meat! You may have been drinking milk in your walk with God so far, but you will begin now to eat solid food. You are going to be building character and maturity in Christ. Maturity is not measured by years, (how old you are or how long you have been following Christ) but by our Christlikeness! We are going to look at different character traits and begin to watch as God transforms us to become more like Him rather than the world!


Trimester 4: RESILIENT-Forging Faith that Endures till the End

Are You Resilient?
What do we do as Followers of Christ, when circumstances careen out of control, and we no longer understand what is going on? As believers, how do we react when the confidence we have in our faith is shaken? What happens when our theology and what we believe about God is called into question in a moment’s time? How do we deal with situations that are so uncomfortable we can barely make sense of them? How can we possibly prepare ourselves for these moments? How do we develop the backbone of steel needed to take us through them?


Trimester 1: 10 Vital Virtues for Leadership-Virtues 1-5

The book you are looking at is actually not a book: It is the secret ingredient the Church has had from the very beginning: Multiplication growth can reach the entire world!

Your growth as a leader will enable you to multiply your faith and build disciples. PATHWAY TO LEADERSHIP series sets you up to grow into a leader that is worth following. Being a leader is not simply a title or a position, but it is living in a way that others want to follow you. Maybe you don’t feel like a leader now, but that’s ok. Everyone has the potential to grow into a leader that represents Christ well.


Trimester 2: 10 Vital Virtues of Leadership (Virtues 6-10)


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The Project 13 Launch Bundle


This full day Masterclass includes dozens of videos, interactive questions and a 100-page PROJECT 13 PLAYBOOK, a fillable-pd workbook for your entire team.

You will go in depth learning all about the 4 BEST-PRACTICES of Remarkable Churches that are extraordinary at reaching and discipling the next generation!

This executive education course has been taken by some of the Pastors and executive team of the largest churches in America and denomination leaders. It is geared towards Sr Pastors and the elders/leaders of the church, but also youth pastors and the team of staff/volunteers that work with them.

With an order form for 499.00 to purchase.
