An Entire Year of Growth Tools
Faith at the Speed of Light
Ron’s Doctoral Research With Trends Impacting The Church And Best Practices Of Those Churches Defying Those Trends!
Innovating Pastors Webinar
Take a trip around the world with this brand new Webinar

Proven Process to Reach and Disciple the Next Generation

Mobilizing & Equipping Leaders to Reach Their Youth

Church leaders around the world face the daily reality that the youth in their community are under the influence of the media and a world without morals.  The ongoing frustrating is that it is becoming harder to reach them and we see the effects in our families and our weekly church involvement.

We, as the leaders in the Body of Christ, are uniting around the next generation.  Leaders across the Body of Christ are all in agreement that now is the time to FOCUS on Generation Next

Jesus Global Youth Day
An update on when more than 50,000 young people gathered from 30 nations

In August 2019 more than 50,000 young people gathered from 30 nations for an explosive time of celebration and training in Manila, Philippines. In addition it was live streamed and broadcasted around the world to 101,000 host sites with churches and venues filled with young people translated into multiple languages. Literally millions of young people were impacted and tens of thousands of leaders were trained to focus their church on the next generation. We are already planning for the next Jesus global youth day.

Please click here to learn more and stay updated on plans for the next Jesus global youth day!



In August 2019 more than 50,000 young people gathered from 30 nations for an explosive time of celebration and training in Manila, Philippines. In addition it was live streamed and broadcasted [...]

What people are saying

  • "Thank you so very much for pouring into our pastoral team and challenging us to pass the faith to the next generation and beyond. I have heard great feedback and our staff will implement many of the ideas you discussed. God bless you Ron. It is a privilege to call you a friend and brother."

    Dr Jack Graham
    Dr Jack Graham Pastor Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano, Texas
  • "I’m so grateful for the day Dr. Luce spent with my staff. We had been trying to re-imagine what discipleship could look like in our church and we had hit a mental block. Ron opened our minds to think differently and got our wheels turning. For us, his one day session was a game changer."

    Dr. Jon Chasteen
    Dr. Jon Chasteen Lead Pastor, Victory Church
  • Ron Luce is a modern day Issachar. He has been given a unique perspective and practical strategies into the advancement of the Kingdom of God in these turbulent shifting times. His experience and expertise in reaching the youth of the world - across denominational, ethnic and racial boundaries - provides an approach to both evangelism and church growth that can be a doable "game plan" for spiritual leaders who desire to have an understanding of the times and to know what the contemporary church should do.

    Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer
    Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer Senior Pastor, Faithful Central Bible Church, Presiding Bishop, Macedonian International Bible Fellowship

Contact Ron Luce to Speak at Your Next Event
